This Whitetail buck has only one thing on its mind. An intense focus on breeding dramatically changes its behavior. Bachelor groups break up, feeding becomes a distraction, and being secretive and discrete is no longer an advantage. Bucks and large older bulls come out of cover and into the open to chase, court, and guard females.
Whitetail deer have ruined the forest of New York State. They graze on the understory with no predators to keep them in check. This means they eat immature trees which should replace older trees over time.
Whitetail Deer will eat just about any foilage. In rural areas they will eat shubs around a house. People say that you should plant deer resistant plants. I have never know that to work well.
This buck's 6-point antlers are used during the mating season when the males fight to breed with females. In the late spring and early fall, antlers are covered with a fuzzy velvet. Bucks rub their antlers against trees to remove the velvet. Also, marking trees with their scent and strengthening their neck muscle  The buck's antlers are shed from January to March and grow back again the following year.
Pine needles provide no nutritional value for these deer. The whitetail deer eats pine the needles just to have the feeling of a full stomach.
Whitetail Deer

Whitetail Deer


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